Wednesday 6 December 2017

After watching Snowden… I really need to learn how to do a Rubik’s Cube.

“And ultimately, the truth sinks in that no matter what justification you're selling yourself, this is not about terrorism. Terrorism is the excuse. This is about economic and social control. And the only thing you're really protecting is the supremacy of your government.” Edward Snowden states (played by the cute Joseph Gordon-Levitt) in the recent movie, Snowden. A great and thrilling film based on a true story about a NSA employee, Edward Snowden, and how he exposed a REAL “big brother theory” going on behind the scenes at NSA, to the world. If you don't know what the theory is, it is based on an older classic novel written by George Orwell called Nineteen Eighty-Four. The book was pushed on me during my English class at University, I ended up loving the novel (I don't recommend the movie) and instantly got me thinking about our world around us. Though a fictional book and based in the Oceania, the theory of there being a higher power, a “big brother”, watching everything we do, what we watch, what we say… it scares the shit out of me on how real it may be. 
There is SO many movies about how social media and the Internet has changed the world. Take Nerve for example. A film that came out last year with Dave Franco and Emma Roberts (how could you not want to see it right!). It is about a game called “nerve”, a real life dare game where you play as a player or a watcher. You try to gain followers by doing these crazy ass, and some times life defying dares to then obtain money. When shit gets out of control with Emma’s character, Vee, in the film and she wants to get out of the game, she secretly tries to run away, but whoever is running the game (cough cough another big brother…) watches her then threatens to take her money, kill her and her loved ones… like WTF! Obviously fictional story, but COME ON, with advancements in technology in these modern days, anyone can find you with the right security level and could harm you, or just know all about you. Scary… I know. 
Have you ever noticed that recently when you go online shopping, or searching something on Google, those articles that you read, those websites that you see, that dress you were looking at, shows up on other social media formats? I was looking on Dynamites clothing store online for a gift for my mom for Christmas, after exiting out of the browser, I went on my phone on Instagram, a sponsored ad on my news feed came up and it was Dynamite, which is whatever because I like a lot of clothes hashtag related things… BUT the pictures displayed on this sponsored ad… WAS THE GOD FORSAKEN SHIRT I WAS LOOKING AT ON THEIR WEBSITE! I understand that these companies spend a lot of money to advertise to their target market and have to do so through technology, which maybe means tracking. However, still frightens me to know that everything I do online is being tracked and followed. 
Back to the movie Snowden, they reference that all cameras on technology (phones, computers, webcams, etc.) are always active and can always be recorded from the outside. That is why Edward covers that shit up with tape, smart man. Some of you may not believe it, but I have second-hand seen the truth. One night, my friend was contacted by the police, they told her that they have confiscated a criminals computer and when searching through the mans saved images, there were screen shots of a recording that is coming from a camera in what looks like to be her room… it was her laptop that she always leaves open, may be turned off but she did not shut it. They tracked the recording to her house. The police can do it, random tech savoy individuals can do it… you are technically available to the world. It has been claimed through many sources (Snowden for example) that the government does this to keep control on terrorist attacks and to make sure they can catch an attack before it happens with scanning through emails, Google searches, phone calls, and more. Truly… that is a load of bull. In the movie they make a reference (whether an accurate fact they used or not), that NSA was searching double the amount of emails of people in the US than from Russia, where they thought an attack may come from. They are doing this for continued control over the population, freedom rights don't mean shit. After Snowden came out to the world on what was going on, a public apology from Barack Obama was done, he states he had no idea that this was going on under his nose. I love Barack, therefore I wont make a fuss on whether I believe he was oblivious or not, but nonetheless, now more restrictions and laws have been put in place to secure the personal safety of the people. 
All I am trying to say is that the “big brother theory” is real and can be more enforced due to our technology that we now have. So just watch yourselves… you never know who may be reading you group chats with your friends or who is seeing your nudes you're sending your crush (we have all done it, its okay). 


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