Wednesday 22 November 2017

Josie Grossy was a smart lady…

“That thing. That moment when you kiss someone, and everything around you becomes hazy, and the only thing in focus is you and this person, and you realize that that person is the only person that you're suppose to kiss for the rest of your life.” Josie Geller (the beautiful, classic 90’s girl, Drew Barrymore) explaining the feeling of a kiss, in her “teenage” rom-com Never Been Kissed. If you have not seen this movie… you have not lived my friends! Well you've lived… but without feeling so in love with a kick-ass movie. When you were growing up, in elementary school primarily, a kiss meant everything. A first kiss with a first boyfriend on a first date, nothing was more romantic or more “cool” (or gross depending on the age and maturity level). We assume it was because we had a sense of what growing up would be like, feeling as if we are matured enough to know what “love” is and kissing would prove all. As we grew up however, we realized all of that was bull-shit, right? A kiss really means nothing and we knew nada about love back then when we were impressionable little ones...but I now see, we should listen to some of the things we said back then, because as impressionable as we were, we were also care free and for the most part, happier. 
As we grow up we tend to lose sight of the small important things in life. A bright sunny day, smell of fresh cookies, new clean sheets, and a simple beautiful kiss. We get caught up with work, school, money, tasks, everything in life that may be necessary but distracts us from the beauty of it. Just remember how those small things made you feel though; the air hitting your face while running through the waves of the ocean, the feeling of rebelliousness staying up late on a school night, or the butterflies in your stomach while going on a date with a cute boy. Sometimes we simply just don't recognize these things… until we realize we are missing them. These last couple years I've done just that, realize I've been so consumed with everything going on around me with work, savings, other stress related things, where I’ve mentally missed so many small moments… my last dance performance, my graduation, my first trip to gorgeous Cuba, so many where I didn't take in the feeling I should of absorbed. Now, my life is the same, but how I feel has completely changed.
When I shared that kiss, the kiss Josie explained; so personal and so real, with the man I am now in love with, I felt fireworks, literal fireworks going on inside me. True happiness and excitement filled me and I knew something just felt right. As sappy and mushy you may think this is… a kiss means a lot to someone whether you realize it or not. Whether it is with a companion, a family member, a friend; when you embrace someone and show them you care, that right there is the small thing that you should hold onto, that feeling of happiness, realness and rawness in your life. 
Next time you share a kiss, or a hug, or any way of embracement with a loved one, take a moment to take it all in and just see how much you've actually been missing to make you feel that exact way you'll be feeling, true bliss. 

More feel good shit is on my Instagram page, follow true20something or search the hashtag #true20something! MUAH

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