Wednesday 15 November 2017

I, like The Grinch, also only eat because I’m bored.

“Hate hate hate, double hate, loathe entirely!” The Grinch (ever so talented and crazy Jim Carrey) says while looking at The Who’s telephone book. Say what you want, but this movie will be watched for decades because of its creativity from the original, the make up, the scenery and the actors. Most importantly however; people from the teens and on will constantly love this movie because the way we can now connect with the emotional stability and actions of The Grinch. Sounds stupid, but think about it... the way he looks at the telephone book can be the way we look at our high school year book, mostly with hate. Or when he has nothing to wear to the Holiday Cheermeister so he claims he is not going... me every night I try to go out. Along with more examples throughout the film, it finally ends with The Grinch realizing the true meaning of Christmas while seeing The Who’s come together to celebrate the holidays as a big family... us as a society follow the same route as when we finally come together, the strength shows what life is truly about loving and living together. 
In my last post about terrorism and hate crimes, I brought up the point about coming together during rough times will show the meaning of the saying “love will trump evil”. The thought of being together and being a strong force as one can not be any more true then around the holidays. 

I love Christmas movies as much as many of you do I’m sure. You ever think of why we love them? Is it the small spurts of humour like when Brad from Four Christmases (Vince Vaughn) gags when seeing a baby up chuck on his girlfriend? Is it the cute memorable songs that we grew up with like Frosty the Snowman or Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer (classic cartoons I love)? I personally feel it’s actually because the warm feeling of family and closeness we get at the end of each holiday themed movie. They always end with it on Christmas morning, or sometime special in the holiday season, with families hugging, children being born, kids opening presents, happiness and memories... and that’s what makes us want to re-watch them, we love that feeling! It makes us feel grateful for life when sometimes it can push us down. 

Love with trump evil, and that is why I started watching Christmas movies November 1st and recently just put up my Christmas tree. HOHOHO 40 days until the big day! 



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