Wednesday 4 October 2017

The Start of Something New... with no Troy Bolton

“Life moves pretty fast if you don't stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it…”, the most cliche and known teenage saying around, from the classic 1986 John Hughes film, Ferris Bueller’s Day Off. Is it true? Sure, but until you realize that life is beautiful to “stop and look around”, your life won't change.
I am a true 20 something girl that has lived through the bull crap of the teen years, and now scared shitless for adulthood. I am not depressed or have any mental issues (obviously that I know of), just a woman wanting to rant about her life and some issues we all deal with in one way or another. Maybe it can help you readers see everyone goes through similar stuff and we all cope in different ways. Just maybe it will help you feel like you are not alone with what you've been through, and then realize all the great stuff we have to help us in this crazy world. Then MAYBE I can make it interesting and enjoyable with some embarrassing stories and geek out with a few classic movie quotes and GIF’s. 
The truth is, my life isn't as interesting as pretending to “whore out” in high school like Olive Penderghast (Emma Stone from Easy A, LOVE that movie and its points on society… but get to that in later blogs). Or as cool as getting to make out with the sexy Channing Tatum while pretending to be my brother just to play soccer (we all wonder what being a guy would be like… walking around… things dangling) like Miss Viola (Amanda Bynes in She's the Man). In reality, I am like all of you reading this… average, but what I want to get across is we may have all had an “average” life with ups and downs, but in no way are we all the same. I am different from the next girl who also thought pool sex was a good idea (the thought of bacteria though…), or the other girl who also tried a no name self tanner (I became a different race… an Oompa Loompa). We may have all gone through similar experiences, but we are all unique and beautiful in our own ways.
What I'm trying to say is that; my life may be average but this is no average blog… I wan’t to be friends with all of you and show that being 20 Something, or a teenager or even 40 Something, it is a time you should enjoy, as hard as it may be. That we all go through some tough and weird shit through our lives but it is all beautiful in one way or another. Learning this made me truly enjoy and love life. I want to share it with you, wether you want to listen or not to be honest. So… every Wednesday you can listen to my shit, send me your shit, and we can talk shit together!  


Follow true20something on Instagram, or don't... lol don't matter, you can just search #true20something for some great posts! MUAH

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