Wednesday 25 October 2017

John Bender... The first HAWTY HAWT bad boy (insert heart eyes)!

“We're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all.” says Andrew/Andy (Emilio Estevez, EMMIILLIIOO) in the forever, my all time favourite, and teenage classic movie, The Breakfast Club. The 80’s was a different (awesome) time from our present today, with teasing hair, whole cans of hairspray, Madonna, lots of colour and shoulder pads. BUT the two time periods have similar attributes, as movies show, we all live in the same way. In high school, in life in general, there will always be an athlete, a basket case, a princess, and a criminal… but we really are all just people who are bizarre and different. That my friends, is what makes life so interesting and awesome! You will never meet someone exactly like you, your “wierdness” is what separates you from the rest of the world. Don't hide it, embrace it!
I now love who I am, all the weird shit I am, the weird shit I do, and especially the weird shit I like. I always didn't though. Media doesn't always push being “different” as being “OK”.  Looking different, acting out of “norm” or speaking out of turn, a lot of it is just filled with “normal”, a normality the world has said was correct… but honey, there is no such thing as normal. This world is too beautiful to be worrying about what “normal” is.  Once you realize that, you can become your own person and LOVE that person, rather than criticizing your self and changing your bizarre personality to match the media’s view. 
I want to focus on The Breakfast Club for this point. Lets take Allison (the beautifully unique Ally Sheedy) for example, she declares herself as the “basketcase” in the film. A weird, neglected, outspoken and imaginative person who is an “outsider”. Andy, the jock, through out the film the viewers can tell he starts falling for this “out of the box” girl as they learn more a bout each other (likeness of their relationships with their own families). When Claire (80’s sunshine lady, Molly Ringwald) decides to dress Allison up at the end of the movie with “lady like” appropriate clothes and makeup (I personally loved the look but thats because of my style), Andy’s mouth dropped in AW! However, who she was didn't change, she rips off and steals a patch from his letterman jacket after a steamy kiss, which Andy still adored. Same occurrence happens when Claire crushes on, my future 2nd husband, John (Judd Nelson). At the end of the movie they get together and she takes off her diamond earrings her precious rich daddy bought her (her actual father not another guy) and then gave one to bad boy Johnny. The earring symbolized that high expense items, parties and such disguised who she really was, who was not a rich popular bitch, but someone with feelings and more insecure then she prevails. My point is… no matter what society tries to tell you, you are always better when you are your true, bizarre self, a lot more people like a REAL person. 
From a personal perspective, I was always labeled growing up as a “goody-two-shoes”, a rule follower, liked everyone and kind to everyone. Not a bad label I know but LORDY did it irritate me! I always thought, no I'm a rule breaker… just watch. I then may have acted out… a bit. I started going on a lot of dates, and kissing a lot of guys (in grade 8 and 9 that was a big deal okay). I was also lying to my parents about where I was and blah blah blah. I lost a lot of friends during this time, and created a space between me and my parents. They all knew that what I was doing wasn't me, and did (what I completely understand why they did it) was to back away from me. I am a goody-good person, like what is wrong with that. I always did my homework, I wanted to tell my parents the truth and what was going on in my life, I wanted to “hold out” for a guy who appreciates me, I want to be real. People may call me a “bitch” or a “pussy” (derogative terms is coming in later blogs, TRUST ME) but guess who doesn't care what you people say, (middle finger emoji). People who like the real me are people that deserve my attention and care. I may be weird, and like staying in some Friday nights to eat shitty food and watch old school movies, or still geek out when my boyfriend puts his arm around me or hold my hand, and sometimes will wait until the last minute to finish a project like a “rule breaker” (and like I am doing with this blog right now). Who I am is me, nothing like media’s “norm”, nothing “normal” at all actually, if that did exist, and especially; I am like no-one else. That is what makes meeting new people amazing, connecting with different people broadens this world and shows the true beauty of humanity. 
As cliche as I can say it… be yourself, not what others say to be. It'll literally open a whole new world for you (Aladdin couldn't of said it any better). 


If you want more feel good stuff and laughable shit, follow True20Something on Instagram or search the hashtag #true20something. MUAH 

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