Thursday 15 February 2018

1/2 priced Valentines candy today... See y'all later!

“When you love someone, you love all of them... you gotta love everything about them, not just the good things but the bad things too. The things that you find lovable and the things you don’t.” explains Estelle (the ever so lovely Shirley MacLaine) in the prestige-actor filled film, Valentines Day. Honestly I may have mixed emotions about the holiday but this movie… LOVE IT! I am a fan of cinema that is filled with mini separate stories that all somehow connect in the end, so to show diverse feelings and stories about Valentines day in this movie just made it an emotional rollercoaster! Everyone has their own opinions of this day, my fiancé, for instance, hates the idea. He thinks it is more romantic to do something spontaneous on a random day then a previous planned one where everyone knows something will be coming and will be coming with a price tag. I of course agree, spontaneity gives me goose bumps and well… excites me! However, though I agree with the commercialized aspect and how some corporations have ruined the true meaning of holidays, being in love is a feeling that cant top anything, Valentines day is just ANOTHER excuse to share it and spread it! 
Take the first quote of the blog, to love a person for all of them and not just what you like… biggest life lesson that can be preached! There is no such thing as perfect, sorry thats life, everything or everyone and a knick, a knack, a flaw or a tare. Having someone that is perfect FOR YOU however, is totally plausible! You could love so much about them, their laugh, sense of kindness, smarts, their looks, but there will always be something that will maybe annoy you even in the slightest. They way they eat, or how they reacted to something, anything that may make you twitch a bit. Estelle is trying to explain, if you love this person, you'll accept their so said “flaws” because love is an entirety, a whole, not bits a parts, but a fully functioning emotion with all parts attached. 

I am going to keep this short as myself and I know most of you have plans during the Valentines week, but I just wanted to say don't make this day and time be objectified by commercial products. Spend this time with people you love, a friend, a family, a companion, or maybe share the love with people that need it, Valentines day sometimes brings out sad times in peoples lives (a long with most holidays), but with a kind gesture their day can be brightened and filled with LOVE! Happy Valentines Day to all of you, share and spread the love! 
PS: Sorry for the day late post, my internet obviously didn't like Valentines day...


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Hands up if this is your kind of party?

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