Wednesday, 17 January 2018

Jake Gyllenhaal can warm me up in any ice age...

Jason Evans: What do you think's going to happen to us? Jack Hall: What do you mean? Jason Evans: I mean "us"? Civilization? Everyone? Jack Hall: Mankind survived the last ice age. We're certainly capable of surviving this one. All depends on whether or not we're able to learn from our mistakes?” a conversation between two men, Jack (cinemas father figure Dennis Quaid) and Jason (the little odd, Dash Mihok) while looking for the gorgeous Jake Gyllenhaal, Sam Hall, in an apocalyptic snowstorm in the film The Day After Tomorrow. Due to a huge climate change from a sheet of ice shearing off Antartica, an ice age arose. This cinematic adventure was mostly centred around just that, an adventure, it did not go deeply into the reasoning for this world disaster. Just a brief description of the ice sheet occurrence (however, it is a great movie and though a little older, graphics are well done). I do wish they expanded and pointed out a little more about the obvious reasoning of their ice age… global F***ING warming! Now we have all heard Trump and his environmental associates view on global warming… a Tweet of his in 2012 read “The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.”. Am I missing something here? Since when is the state of our Earth and climate been imagined to be a part of the Chinese marketing strategy? Global warming is not a concept, it is an observation and it surrounds us with proven facts daily. Such as, it snowed in the freaking Sahara Desert this month… that has only happened 3 times in the last 40 god dam years… FORTY! 
There has been numerous apocalyptic, end of the world based movies; War of the Worlds, Cloverfield, World War Z… to name a few. Most are far fetched (or to what you believe in which is totally in your rights to believe in aliens and such), though The Day After Tomorrow, 2012, and other Hollywood movies (that are not as famous) show a more accurate representation of how the world COULD meet its end. The way we as people have treated the Earth over the many years is straight sickening. Don't get me wrong, I am totally at fault as well; I have not recycled as much as I should have, I should have not littered as much as a child, I should have no put harmful chemicals into the air or into the ground. We have taken the beauty of this world for granted and built buildings over agricultural areas, cut down billions of trees, and used water from our beautiful oceans and lakes as dumping lands. Did you know, 9 billion tons of litter end of oceans every year (Littering Facts Website), that is equivalent to one billion elephants. 
I want to state that this isn't a blog to rag on humanity. As my first quote states, we have a chance to save the world if we are able to learn from our mistakes. I am merely, and hoping, I put a suggestive thought in all your heads about how messed up we made this world, but that we can fix it (in a climate but also humanitarian way). Little by little even; recycling and dividing trash more, using natural products on our lawns, refrain from littering, chose to buy from “kosher” and caring companies, using recyclable products… so many small changes you can make and enforce in your families to maybe start the recovery of our world. Also another small bonus… helping slow down global warming will help with these crazy cold winters and intense hot summers we all have been having (or unusual weather patterns). Makes us enjoy the seasons more am I right? A little food for thought for you guys this week.
P.S. I would like to apologize for my missed post last week as I was on vacation with no sight of functional Wifi near by. 


Want more smack you in the face truth and quotes, follow my Instagram page, True20something, or search the hashtag #true20something. MUAH

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